

时间:2014年10月19日 09:28





2014 ICAHM年会

Universal Standards for Archaeological Heritage Management


Jishou, China |20 – 23 October 2014

吉首,中国, 20141020-23



It is a great pleasure for ICAHM, the ICOMOS International Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management, to be able organize this meeting in China. We have found that contacts between archaeological heritage managers from western countries and from China are still quite limited while at the same time an exchange of expertise is highly valued. Where best practices in archaeology are concerned, both sides have much to offer. Of course there are challenges such as the language barrier, but this can increasingly be overcome.

When we received an invitation from Jishou University, we were therefore very happy to accept it. The fact that the meeting actually takes place is also due to the invaluable assistance from ICOMOS-China, who provided crucial help in co-organizing this meeting with us. We are also grateful to our colleagues from Chengdu and Xi'an for their help in organizing interesting excursions and to ArchaeoConcept from Switzerland in assisting with the factual preparations.

We hope that the meeting will be the start of fruitful discussions about principles and best practices that may continue in the future, but also of friendships that last. After all, new initiatives and directions are not only borne out of joint efforts that are interdisciplinary and interculturally, but out of the personal relations that went before that.

Willem J.H. Willems

Douglas C. Comer

Co-presidents of ICAHM






Monday, October 20

08.30 – 09.30  Opening Ceremony at Jishou University

Moderator:       Prof. BAI Jinxiang, President of Jishou University

Speeches by:

08.30 – 08.35  Prof. dr. Willem J.H. WILLEMS,RPA, HONFSA, co-president of ICAHM

08.35 – 09.00  TONG Mingkang – “Archaeological heritage and management in China”,president of   ICOMOS China

09.00 – 09.10  Prof. YOU Jun,General Secretary of Jishou University

09.10 – 09.15  Douglas C. COMER PHD, RPA,co-president of ICAHM

09.15 – 09.20  Local Government Official Jishou        


09.20 – 09.25 Group picture


09.30 – 12.10 Session I     The Management of Linear, Transnational and Serial Sites such as the Silk  Route, the Roman Limes or the Great Wall

                  Moderator: Peter Stone

09.30 – 09.50     Peter STONE: “Managing Hadrian’s Wall: from archaeological monument to regional asset.”

09.50 – 10.10     CHEN Tongbin: “A Brief Introduction on the Conservation Plan of Important and Large Archaeological Sites in China”

10.10 – 10.40     Zsolt VISY and Willem J.H. WILLEMS: “Frontiers of the Roman Empire world heritage site.”

10.40 – 11.00   FENG Jian: “The Silk Route”

11.00– 11.30      BREAK 

11.30 – 11.50     TIAN Yaqi  and SUN Zhouyong: ‘’The Archaeological Investigation of Silk Road within Shaanxi Province, China.’’

11.50 – 12.10           YU Chunlei: ‘’The study of the situation and knowledge of northwest frontier in China by the place of the Great Wall in Warning State-Qin’’.

12.10 – 13.30     LUNCH BREAK






13.30 – 16.30  Session II    Universal Standards for Archaeological Heritage Management PART I

Moderator: AN Jiayao

13.30 – 13.50     Friedrich LÜTH: “Large scale magnetometer surveys – tools for inventory and in the environmental impact assessment of major infrastructure projects”.

13.50 –14.00      LUO Kanglong: “Archeological Data Acquisition Methods without Breaking Ground: A Case Study of Changes of the Dong People Settlement and Farmland in Huanggang

14.00 – 14.10     LONG Xianqiong : “Historical Anthropological Research of a Great Tujia Ruin Site: a Case Study of Laosi City, Yongshun, Hunan.“

14.10 – 14.30     Necmi KARUL: “Presenting the lost cultural heritage in submerged sites under dam reservoirs along the Euphrates and Tigris- Trajectories.”

14.30 – 14.50     Renato KIPNIS: ‘’Case Study: Santo Antônio, Belo Monte hydroelectric power plants and Porto Velho – Araraquara power lines, Brazil.’’

14.50 – 15.20  BREAK

15.20 – 15.40     Eylem ÖZDOĞAN: “Problems in Preserving and Presenting Multilayered Prehistoric Sites with Masonry Structures in Turkey.”

15.40 – 16.00     D.P. TEWARI: “Biodeterioration of wall paintings of archaeological monuments of India.”

16.00 – 16.20     LI Shuicheng: “Salt Industry Archaeology and Conservation of Salt Industry Heritages.”

16.20 – 16.40  Marc KOCKEN: “The “Arty” Way – Dutch Approach to the Presentation of Archaeological Heritage”

17.00 – 22.00    Traditional  banquet  and performances at Denhang Miao Village. Buses will leave at 17.00h in front of the University library.







Tuesday, October 21

08.30 – 10.30    Session IV    Workshop on Development, Compliance and Archaeological Heritage:  working with international finance and business

Moderator: Willem J.H. WILLEMS

08.30 – 08.50     Andrew MASON: “The World Bank Group and Cultural Heritage Protection: A Due Diligence Methodology for Evaluating Bankable Studies’’

08.50 – 09.10     Jeffrey H. ALTSCHUL: “Improving Standards and Practices in Cultural Heritage Compliance in Latin America” Report on the consultation between the SAA and development banks. “

09.10 – 09.30     Adrian GLIGOR: ‘’Rosia Montana Mining Project and Cultural Heritage Strategy.’’

09.30 – 09.50     David JENNINGS: ‘’Rosia Montana Cultural Strategy compliance with European best practice and legal framework.’’

09.50 – 10.30     Discussants: TANG Zijun (Jishou University), Douglas COMER (CSRM); the workshop will also involve discussion of the GAPP initiative in the USA (the Gas & Preservation Partnership).

10.30 – 11.00  COFFEE BREAK

11.00 – 15.00   Session V    Universal Standards for Archaeological Heritage Management PART II

Moderator:  LU Qiong

11.00 – 11.20     ZHANG Jianlin: “Excavation and Protection of Earthen Sites: Examples of Xi’an and Central Asia.”

11.20 – 11.40     Erika M. ROBRAHN‐GONZÁLEZ: “International Archaeology Standards: Strategic Aspects for the Brazilian Case”

11.40 – 12.00     Helen ARTHURSON and Iain DAVIDSON: “Defining standards through benchmarking tools - a case study from Australia and the United States”

12.00 – 12.40     CHUN Wu and NING Ruiqi: ‘’Discussion on Wisdom Tourism Based on Archaeological Heritage Protection.’’

12.40 – 14.00     LUNCH BREAK

14.00 – 14.20     JIAN Liu: ‘’Analysis of function, landscape and risk prevention in delimitating the Buffer Zone --Taking the Site of Hailongtun Tusi Fortress in Guizhou as a case study’’

14.20 – 14.40     AN Jiayao: “The Archaeology and Management of the Site of Daming Palace.”

14.40 – 15.00     FU Jing  and XU Xinyun: ‘’Study on the valued attributes of the archaeological site of Laosicheng Tusi Domain and its management strategies from the perspective of serial property.’’

15.00 – 18.10     Session V   The application of aerial and satellite remote sensing to archaeological research and heritage management.

Moderator:Douglas C. Comer

15.00 -15.20        Douglas C. COMER: “An Overview of the Most Promising Aerial and Satellite Remote Sensing Technologies for Archaeological Research and Heritage Management.”

15.20 – 15.40      CHEN Tongbin: “The Application of GIS Technology in the Delineation of Boundaries for Archaeological Sites Protection in China.”

15.40 – 16.00      Gustav ROBRAHN‐GONZÁLEZ: “New approach of technologies for archaeological structures mapping and heritage protection: an instance of the Port of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.”

16.00 – 16.30  COFFEE BREAK

16.30 – 16.50      LIU Jianguo: “Low Altitude Photography and 3D Model Reconstruction for Archaeological Sites.”

16.50 – 17.10      CHEN Gangquan: ‘’Preliminary application of monitoring and forecast technology in the conservation and management of the Mogao grottoes.’’

17.10 – 17.30      LIU Chuansheng : ‘’A Preliminary Study of Multi-scale Analysis on the Great Wall Landscape by Using the Geospatial Information Technology.’’

17.30 – 17.50      YANG Tianmin and ZHAO Qiang: ‘’Application of  magnetic survey technique to verify the archaeological survey anomaly by  hyperspectral remote sensing found in the southern region of Weihe river.’’

17.50 – 18.10      WU Yu-hua: “The Research of the Key Technologies on the Monitoring & Management to the Large-scale Archaeological Sites Utilizing Remote Sensing Technology.”

19.00                 Conference Banquet at the Xiangxi National Hotel, Jishou






Wednesday, October 22

08.30 - 10.10       Session VI    Incorporating intangible culture into management and research programs

Moderator: Ilain DAVIDSON 

08.30 – 08.50     Mario A. RIVERA: “Heritage Protection and Archaeological Sites. The Role of the Civil Society in Northern Chile Archaeology.”

08.50 – 09.10           Zeynep ERES: ‘’Modelled village museums as a means for presenting prehistoric sites to public.”

09.10 – 09.30     Roxana-Gabriela CURCĂ and Marius-Tiberiu ALEXIANU: ‘’Romanian intangible heritage of salt; Implications for archaeological research.’’ 

09.30 – 09.50     Brian EGLOFF: ‘’ Destroying the Soul: the illicit trade in artefacts in the Lao PDR and its impact on heritage values.’’

09.50 – 10.10     YANG Tingshuo : ‘’Archeological Evidence of the Origin of Rice Farming Culture. ‘’

10.10 – 10.40  COFFEE BREAK

10.40 – 13.30   Session VII    Representing and preserving minority cultures and dealing with Stakeholders

Moderator: TANG Zijun

10.40 – 11.00     XIANG Jinfei  and JIA Bin: “An inquiry into the relationship between communities and conservation of large-scale heritage sites within minority areas, China -- Case studies on archaeological park planning of Taihecheng Ruins, Yunnan and Lajia Ruins, Qinghai.”

11.00 – 11.20     WANG Zhe: ‘’The new development of conservation of Chinese World Cultural Heritage: research and conservation of minority cultural heritage.’’

11.20 – 11.40     Brian BILLMAN: ‘’ Toward Best Practices in Community Heritage Consultation: Tales from 28 years in the Moche Valley, Peru.’’

11.40 - 12.30      Alicia CASTILLO MENA: “Mapping Stakeholders in archaeological heritage management: a universal standard little applied and very useful.”

12.30 – 13.10     Movie

Closing of the conference

16.00 – 18.00 Bus to Zhangjiajie



Thursday, October 23

09.00 – 10.00     Meeting at Jishou University, Zhangjiajie Campus, with the vice-director of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.

10.00 – 18.00  Visit Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.

18.00 – 19.00     Transportation from the World Heritage Park to the Minnan International Hotel and the Da Cheng Shanshui Hotel.



Şazuman SAZAK: “Planning and  management of  archeological sites in Turkey.”

Ray MA:  “The archaeological discoveries of the Shatin to Central Link project: The Archaeological heritage management work in Hong Kong.”

Leee Anthony NERI: “The Last Kiln Standing: The Archaeology of the Alubijid, Misamis Oriental.”

CHEN Yi and HAN Bingyan: “Research Ideas and Methods for Archaeological Sites.”






Practical information


Jishou University has arranged for two buses on October 19thto bring you from Zhangjiajie Airport to Jishou at 19.30h and 22.00h. If you wish to reserve a seat, please send your preferred timeslot, flight information and the name of your hotel in Jishou to:

On the 22ndof October Jishou University has arranged for buses to take you to Zhangjaijie. The buses will leave at 16.00 at the University library. You can bring your luggage to the conference venue in the morning. The buses will stop at the Minnan International Hotel and the Da Cheng Shanshui Hotel. That people that have their flight from Zhangjiajie in the evening can take a taxi from one of these hotels to the airport, which will take about 10 minutes.

Conference venue

Jishou university, Jishou campus, University Library

120 South Renmin Road

Jishou City,Hunan Province

P.R.China, 416000.

You can reach the university by bus (routes 1 and 6), taxi or by foot if you’re hotel is near the university. From the Xiangxi National Hotel the University is just a 10 minute walk away.

Conference banquet

The ICAHM Conference Banquet will be held at the Xiangxi National Hotel on October 21st. The banquet, including drinks, will cost 30 USD. If you wish to attend you can buy your ticket at the registration desk.

7 Renmin Middle Rd

Jishou, Xiangxi, Hunan

China, 416000

Phone:+86 743 822 1572


At the university library you can connect toTSG3, you can access this without a password.


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